The believers, men & women, are awliya [helpers, supporters, friends, protectors] of one another…

The believers, men & women, are awliya [helpers, supporters, friends, protectors] of one another…” [Qur’an 9:71].

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "The Muslim has six rights.

(1) When you meet him, you should greet him with Assalamualykum
(2) When he invites you, you should accept his invitation.
(3) When he asks you for counsel, you should advice him.
(4) When he sneezes and praises Allah [by saying Alhamdulillah], you should reply Yarhamukallah.
(5) When he is ill, you should visit him.
(6) When he dies, you should follow him (i.e. his funeral procession)." [Sahih Muslim]

How many of these did you consider another Muslim's right upon you?

[GOLDEN ADVICE...] Upon meeting your muslim brother, call him by a name which he loves and greet him with a smiling face! “To smile at your brother is charity”. Give him an opportunity to talk to you about himself. Ask him about his affairs, but only those things that wont cause him embarrassment and don’t make an appointment with him and then not show up!

[Take 60 seconds…] Reflect on the above rights and apply them. Reflect, and do not dispute with your brother, don’t blame or remind him of past errors, and don’t cause him discomfort by making fun of him. May Allah grant us all tawfiq to fulfil these beautiful rights! Ameen!

La ila ha illalla hu Muhammadur-rasoolulla. [sallallahu alahi wasallam]