He is my only Lord and the only one

I leave and go but God the one with all the kindness is always there
and I ask Him for hope that is never rejected .
I ask Him all the time and in all cases because He is the one who makes our hearts feel safe .
ومن كرم ومن لطف خفي ومن فرج تزول به الكروب
He eases hard tragedy on us from generosity and hidden kindness as well as relief to hardships we face .
ومن لي غير باب الله باب ولا مولا سواه ولا حبيب
I Have no one to ask but God .
He is my only Lord and the only one .
كريم منعم بر لطيف جميل الستر للداعي مجيب
My heart is full of love , for He is generous , blessed , kind and answers the prayers of his servants .
حليم لا يعاجل بالخطايا رحيم غيث رحمته يصوب
He is patient , He always puts forgiveness before punishment.
He is so merciful that His mercy includes all beings .
فيا ملك الملوك أقل عثاري فإني عنك أنأتني الذنوب
Oh , Lord of all lords , forgive me ; my sins distanced me from you .
وأمرضني الهوى لهوان حظي ولكن ليس غيرك لي طبيب
My mistakes and sins sicken me more everyday but you are the only doctor who can make me feel fine .
إلهي أنت تعلم كيف حالي فهل يا سيدي فرج قريب
Oh God , you know how I am doing .
Is there a relief soon ?
فيا ديان يوم الدين فرج هموما في الفؤاد لها دبيب
Oh , Lord of the day of justice , make those aches in the heart go away .
وصل حبلي بحبل رضاك وانظر إلي وتب علي عسى أتوب
Show me what makes you content , look at me and please make me give up sins .
وراع حمايت وتول نصري وشد عراي إن عرت الخطوب
Protect me and make me prevail
Give me strength when my powers faint .
وألهمني لذكرك طول عمري فإن بذكرك الدنيا تطيب
Inspire me to mention and praise you all my life since everything in my life becomes sweet when i worship you .
وقل عبد الرحيم ومن يليه لهم في ريف رأفتنا نصيب
I ask for all these blessings , not just for me , but for all those who believe in God .
We all share the mercy we were blessed with from the lord .
فظني فيك يا سندي جميل ومرعى ذود آمالي جميل
My biliefs and thoughts of you , Sir , are beautiful .
وصل على النبي وآله
God , pray upon the prophet and his family

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